The Incredibles is a 2004 American computer-animated superhero film composed and routed by Brad Bird, created by Pixar Computer animation Studios, and also launched by Walt Disney Photo. The movie follows a household of superheroes who are required to conceal their powers and also live a quiet suburban life. Mr. Astonishing's desire to help people attracts the entire family members right into a fight with a villain and also his deadly robot.
Bird, that was Pixar's initial outside supervisor, developed the film as an extension of 1960s comics or even spy films from his boyhood and personal family life. He pitched the movie to Pixar after the box office disappointment of his initial function, The Iron Giant (1999), or even rollovered much of its staff to create The Incredibles. The animation team was entrusted with stimulating an all-human cast, which needed producing brand-new technology to animate detailed human makeup, garments as well as realistic skin as well as hair. Michael Giacchino composed the film's instrumental rating.
The movie premiered on October 27, 2004, at the BFI London Film Festival or even had its basic launch in the United States on November 5, 2004. The movie performed well at the box office, earning $631 million worldwide throughout its original theatrical run. The Incredibles was met with high important recognition, amassing high marks from expert doubters, and prompting commentary on its styles. The movie obtained the 2004 Annie Give for Ideal Animated Function, in addition to two Academy Honors. It came to be the first entirely computer animated movie to win the prestigious Hugo Honor for Finest Remarkable Presentation.
Popular opinion transforms against human beings with superpowers-- called "Supers"-- as well as after facing a number of suits over peripheral damage brought on by their crime-fighting tasks, the federal government compels them right into noncombatant relocation programs. Fifteen years later, Bob and also Helen Parr, formerly referred to as Mr. Amazing and also Elastigirl, and also their children Violet, Dashboard, or even Jack-Jack live as a country family. Bob is dissatisfied with suv life and his white-collar job and wish for the magnificence days. On some nights, Bob and his old close friend Lucius Ideal-- formerly called Frozone-- do vigilante work, without their partners' competency
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Thứ Tư, 11 tháng 5, 2016
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